We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Whitnash.
Premises GPhC Number: 1037773EPS allows a prescription to be sent electronically from your GP practice to your nominated pharmacy, and may save you time by avoiding unnecessary trips to your GP.
A service whereby the pharmacist offers extra support to help patients through potential problems when starting certain medicines. The support over several weeks will help you use the medicine safely and effectively.
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
Not all prescriptions are sent electronically, and for those that aren't, our staff can them collect for you. Saving you the time and effort to go to your GP surgery.
EPS allows a prescription to be sent electronically from your GP practice to your nominated pharmacy, and may save you time by avoiding unnecessary trips to your GP.
A service whereby the pharmacist offers extra support to help patients through potential problems when starting certain medicines. The support over several weeks will help you use the medicine safely and effectively.
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
Not all prescriptions are sent electronically, and for those that aren't, our staff can them collect for you. Saving you the time and effort to go to your GP surgery.
Get Your Flu Jab with Birk and Nagra Pharmacy
Let us know if you would like to get your flu vaccination with us and we will organise your booking. Free on the NHS for anyone over 65 (before 31.03.2025) and for people who are pregnant or have certain medical conditions.
Request Your Flu Jab